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Witchling Academy: Semester 2

First Semester sparked something different inside me. Now it’s time to find out whether Semester Two will transform that spark into something good…or bad.
I, Brianne Marie Harlow, never imagined I'd befriend the Notorious Four, let alone enjoy the holidays with them. And now that I’ve gotten to learn a little bit about each of them and how they see the world, I want to creep out of my innocent shell and explore things that never crossed my mind.
Like dating, for example.
It’s a new year and a new semester, and I'm finally beginning to feel comfortable with my newfound levels of confidence. I'm learning new things at school, and the guys are teaching me life lessons, helping me become less naive — but without the judgment anyone else would have shown me.
However, not all is well outside of my little circle. The rumors and lies continue to grow, and it turns out they’re a lot more painful when they come from the person you once considered your best friend. Not all hope is lost, but with the shadow people making another appearance and putting someone dear to me at risk, I’ll have to toughen up and recruit the guys to track the culprit down.
My goals for this semester are simple enough: pass our physical exams, identify the people who are after my gift, and if I'm lucky, snag another kiss from one of the guys.
Or maybe even all four of them.
Available: June 7, 2019
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